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Growing Awareness of Children in Need

AC3_dutchcostumesIn 1832, the New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and other Workingmen expressed concern with children working relentlessly in factories without any time for play and by 1842, states had set ten hour work daylimit for children (The Child Labor Education Project). Many children were illiterate because they worked so many long, hard hours. I found an interecting video clip while researching this topic at http://www.history.com/topics/child-labor/videos#history-of-labor-day).

The first public school was opened in Chicago, during the 1830’s.  The “successful implementation of a birth certificate program and a growing labor movement in Chicago and Illinois focused enforcement on child labor regulations” (Children and the Law).  This allowed stricter enforcement of school attendance thusincreasing the childrens’ opportunity to better themselves by gaining an education.

Jane Addams was was the first American women to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  The efforts she made by opening Hull House and a life long fight to help those in need, earned her this honor (Childhood Lost-Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution).  We should be very grateful to those such as she, who led the fight for our children’s rights, which have been established today.




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